What can CCTV drainage cameras find?

Damaged, broken and cracked pipework resulting from environmental damage.

You may note an increase in your water bill or unusual spots of water on your lawn there is a real chance that damaged underground pipes may be a problem. Older plumbing systems made of copper, clay or fibre pipe ( or Orangeburg ) are known to have structural issues with long-term use.

Collapsed pipes or sewers that result from old age, the elements or incorrect installation.

Even if the pipework is reasonably new, other elements can be at fault. Examples are; human error, unsatisfactory pipe structure, earthquakes, corrosion, sudden temperature changes, and digging from both animals and humans.

Large amounts of wet wipes which haven’t decomposed.

Antibacterial wet wipes don’t break down after they get flushed into the drainage system. Instead, they sink to the bottom of pipes where they build-up, clog drains and can cause sewerage spills into waterways following heavy rain.

Congealed and solidified grease, fats and oils that adhere to the sides of pipes.

Oils, fats and grease harden when cold, attach to the soil in the drain and cause an obstruction to the flow of water.

Garden residue of leaves, soil and waste purged into wastewater drains.

Shrubs and trees can scatter leaves, accumulate on the ground and find their way into the drainage system following heavy rainfall. An urgent problem can evolve when a flood can result outside or inside your property.

Tree root bundles that have invaded pipes.

Trees love water, oxygen and nutrients and a loose joint or crack in the drainage system will appeal to tree roots. The unpleasant items that travel through the sewer pipes will create an inviting home for the root bundles to grow, with the potential to invade the entire pipeline.